Engine No4 are expert at offering event based consultancy services to other sectors. Over the last 18 months, we have consulted for several major developers, working on significant public realm projects.
By taking some considered steps in the initial planning of these projects, we were able to help stakeholders understand how the designs could be adapted to better support live events of varying scales. Applying our knowledge and experience at an early stage can help developers and architects make informed design decisions that maximise the potential of a new space to host vibrant and exciting live events. Our preferred approach isn’t limited to basic advice on infrastructure design, we understand`the importance of linking those decisions to a longer term strategy that encompasses operational, economical, community, and commercial considerations.
- To support this we can offer a tailored approach dependent on the project requirements. Output from recent projects have included:
- 2D markups of existing plans with infrastructure & utility suggestions
- 2D & 3D event overlays and operational manuals for events of varying scales within the space
- Theoretical event safety management plans and scheduling documents
- Assistance with local authority licensing
- Medium & Long Term commercial and financial feasibility reports
- We want to help you make the most out of your space. Get in touch.